Instant Access to the Neuro-Sync Protocol
All the vision drills from Red Dot Mastery...and more for shotgun, pistol, carbine, long range precision, and archery regardless of whether you're using irons, dots, or magnified optics and regardless of whether you're shooting with sights or instinctively.
You'll get a printable PDF as well as follow along videos with your drills
DIY instructions to make your own permanent vision training string as well as how to make improvised vision training strings on-the-fly using whatever you have available.
You'll receive drills used extensively by top athletes in all forms of shooting, golf, football, basketball, baseball, volleyball, soccer, billiards, driving, biking, skiing, and even cornhole!
For students and "office chair athletes," the Neuro-Sync Protocol can help with attention, reading speed, comprehension, and having more energy at the end of a long day.
In addition, you'll get drills used in recovery after head injuries and strokes and used for pre-hab to help with avoiding falls.